Source code for Katna.config

.. module:: Katna.config
    :platform: Platfrom Independent
    :synopsis: This module defines some helpful configuration variables
import os

# # Configuration parameters for Image class
[docs]class Image: # default value by which image size to be reduces for processing down_sample_factor = 8 # Debug flag DEBUG = False # Crop_height_reduction_factor_in_each_iterationnot found crop height # will be reduced by this multiplier/factor and search for candidate crops # is resumed. # Decreasing the height and width for crops while checking it don't get small by 1/(min_image_to_crop_factor) of image height/width min_image_to_crop_factor = 4 crop_height_reduction_factor_in_each_iteration = 0.05
# # Configurations for Scoring crops for crop extractor
[docs]class CropScorer: detail_weight = 0.2 # default weight value for detail parameter edge_radius = 0.4 # default edge radius edge_weight = -20 # default edge weight outside_importance = ( -0.5 ) # default value to set if the pixel is outside crop rectangle rule_of_thirds = True # boolean to set rule of third condition check saliency_bias = 0.2 # bias color value for saliency(+- error value) saliency_weight = 1.3 # default edge radius face_bias = 0.01 # bias color value for face(+- error value) face_weight = 3.4 # default weight value for face parameter rects_weight = 1 # default weight value for crop rectangles
# # Configurations for Text detection class
[docs]class TextDetector: # Min Confidence Threshold for Text detection model min_confidence = 0.9 # Threshold for merging text detection boxes merge_threshold = 1 # Name of Model files to be used for text detection frozen_weights = "frozen_east_text_detection.pb" # Location where model file will be downloaded cache_subdir = "models" # Layers Name for text detection layerNames = ["feature_fusion/Conv_7/Sigmoid", "feature_fusion/concat_3"] # Download Link for Text detection model model_download_link = ""
# # Configurations for Edge Feature class
[docs]class EdgeFeature: # min edge threshold value min_val_threshold = 100 # Max edge threshold value max_val_threshold = 200 # aperture_size/size of Sobel kernel for canny edge detector ksize = 3
# # Configurations for Face detection Feature class
[docs]class FaceFeature: # Model file name to be used for face detection model_file = "res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000_fp16.caffemodel" # Model definition file name to be used for face detetion prototxt_file = "deploy.prototxt" # Location where model file will be downloaded cache_subdir = "models" # Min Confidence Threshold for face detection model confidence = 0.5 # Download Link for face detection model defintion file prototxt_download_link = "" # Download Link for face detection model modelfile_download_link = ""
# # Configuration parameters for Video class
[docs]class Video: # Debug flag DEBUG = False min_video_duration = 5.0 # consume % of memory during video keyframe extraction # 80% of available memory will be consumed memory_consumption_threshold = 0.80 # assumed numbers of frames within which 1 candidate frames which might be available # seconds to reach threshold if all frames are collected, but not all are candidate frames # currently we assume 1 in 5 frame for that assumed_no_of_frames_per_candidate_frame = 5 # if video duration greater than this number video will be treated as a large video video_split_threshold_in_minutes = 20 # # Keep this between 20 to 30 value video_compression_crf_parameter = 23 video_compression_codec = "libx264" # Currently "libx264 and is supported" compression_output_file_extension = "mp4" # Supported/valid video extensions supported by ffmpeg # You can generate updated list by using following shell script on MacOSX or Linux # $ ffmpeg -demuxers -hide_banner | tail -n +5 | cut -d' ' -f4 | xargs -I{} ffmpeg -hide_banner -h demuxer={} | grep 'Common extensions' | cut -d' ' -f7 | tr ',' $'\n' | tr -d '.' video_extensions = [ ".str", ".aa", ".aac", ".ac3", ".acm", ".adf", ".adp", ".dtk", ".ads", ".ss2", ".adx", ".aea", ".afc", ".aix", ".al", ".ape", ".apl", ".mac", ".aptx", ".aptxhd", ".aqt", ".ast", ".avi", ".avr", ".bfstm", ".bcstm", ".bit", ".bmv", ".brstm", ".cdg", ".cdxl", ".xl", ".c2", ".302", ".daud", ".str", ".dss", ".dts", ".dtshd", ".dv", ".dif", ".cdata", ".eac3", ".paf", ".fap", ".flm", ".flac", ".flv", ".fsb", ".g722", ".722", ".tco", ".rco", ".g723_1", ".g729", ".genh", ".gsm", ".h261", ".h26l", ".h264", ".264", ".avc", ".hevc", ".h265", ".265", ".idf", ".cgi", ".sf", ".ircam", ".ivr", ".flv", ".lvf", ".m4v", ".mkv", ".mk3d", ".mka", ".mks", ".mjpg", ".mjpeg", ".mpo", ".j2k", ".mlp", ".mov", ".mp4", ".m4a", ".3gp", ".3g2", ".mj2", ".mp2", ".mp3", ".m2a", ".mpa", ".mpc", ".mjpg", ".txt", ".mpl2", ".sub", ".msf", ".mtaf", ".ul", ".musx", ".mvi", ".mxg", ".v", ".nist", ".sph", ".nsp", ".nut", ".ogg", ".oma", ".omg", ".aa3", ".pjs", ".pvf", ".yuv", ".cif", ".qcif", ".rgb", ".rt", ".rsd", ".rsd", ".rso", ".sw", ".sb", ".smi", ".sami", ".sbc", ".msbc", ".sbg", ".scc", ".sdr2", ".sds", ".sdx", ".shn", ".vb", ".son", ".sln", ".mjpg", ".stl", ".sub", ".sub", ".sup", ".svag", ".tak", ".thd", ".tta", ".ans", ".art", ".asc", ".diz", ".ice", ".nfo", ".txt", ".vt", ".ty", ".ty+", ".uw", ".ub", ".v210", ".yuv10", ".vag", ".vc1", ".viv", ".idx", ".vpk", ".txt", ".vqf", ".vql", ".vqe", ".vtt", ".wsd", ".xmv", ".xvag", ".yop", ".y4m", ]
# Configuration parameters for mediapipe
[docs]class MediaPipe:
[docs] class AutoFlip: # Rerun is required due to autoflip issue mentione here: # RERUN_LIMIT = 2 # Models folder location MODELS_FOLDER_LOCATION = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "mediapipe", "models") # pbtxt temp folder name TMP_PBTXT_FOLDER_NAME = "temp_pbtxt" TMP_PBTXT_FOLDER_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), TMP_PBTXT_FOLDER_NAME) # Default pbtxt and build cmd CONFIG_FILE_PBTXT = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "mediapipe_autoflip.pbtxt" ) BUILD_CMD = "run_autoflip" # user friendly conf keys ENFORCE_FEATURES_KEYNAME = "ENFORCE_FEATURES" STABALIZATION_THRESHOLD_KEYNAME = "STABALIZATION_THRESHOLD" BLUR_AREA_OPACITY_KEYNAME = "BLUR_AREA_OPACITY" # DEFAULT VALUES IN PBTXT DEFAULT_BLUR_AREA_OPACITY = 0.6 DEFAULT_MOTION_STABALIZATION_THRESHOLD = 0.5 DEFAULT_FEATURE_SIGNAL_VALUE = "false" # ENFORCE_FEATURES Keys _FACE_CORE_LANDMARKS = "FACE_CORE_LANDMARKS" _FACE_FULL = "FACE_FULL" _FACE_ALL_LANDMARKS = "FACE_ALL_LANDMARKS" _HUMAN = "HUMAN" _PET = "PET" _CAR = "CAR" _OBJECT = "OBJECT" # the variables names below should match the keyname for set_conf to work # smoothly # ENFORCE_FEATURES list ENFORCE_FEATURES = { _FACE_CORE_LANDMARKS: False, _FACE_ALL_LANDMARKS: False, _FACE_FULL: False, _HUMAN: False, _PET: False, _CAR: False, _OBJECT: False, } # % AREA from center where most of the content is # usually applied when content is focused near center STABALIZATION_THRESHOLD = DEFAULT_MOTION_STABALIZATION_THRESHOLD # opacity of blur area BLUR_AREA_OPACITY = DEFAULT_BLUR_AREA_OPACITY
[docs] @classmethod def get_pbtxt_mapping(cls): return { cls.ENFORCE_FEATURES_KEYNAME: "signal_settings", cls.STABALIZATION_THRESHOLD_KEYNAME: "motion_stabilization_threshold_percent", cls.BLUR_AREA_OPACITY_KEYNAME: "overlay_opacity", }
[docs] @classmethod def get_conf(cls): """Gets the current config :return: dictionary containing the current config :rtype: dict """ return { cls.ENFORCE_FEATURES_KEYNAME: cls.ENFORCE_FEATURES, cls.STABALIZATION_THRESHOLD_KEYNAME: cls.STABALIZATION_THRESHOLD, cls.BLUR_AREA_OPACITY_KEYNAME: cls.BLUR_AREA_OPACITY, }
[docs] @classmethod def set_conf(cls, config): """Sets the config passed :param config: The configuration to set. :type config: dict """ for attr in config.keys(): current_conf = cls.get_conf() if attr in current_conf.keys(): if attr == cls.ENFORCE_FEATURES_KEYNAME: updated_attr_dict = {**current_conf[attr], **config[attr]} setattr(cls, attr, updated_attr_dict) else: setattr(cls, attr, config[attr]) else: raise Exception( " Invalid configuration. Use get_conf method to see existing configuration or refer documentation." )
[docs]class ImageSelector: # Setting for optimum Brightness values min_brightness_value = 10.0 max_brightness_value = 90.0 brightness_step = 2.0 # Setting for optimum Contrast/Entropy values min_entropy_value = 1.0 max_entropy_value = 10.0 entropy_step = 0.5
[docs]class FrameExtractor: # Setting local maxima criteria USE_LOCAL_MAXIMA = True # Lenght of sliding window taking difference len_window = 20 # Chunk size of Images to be processed at a time in memory max_frames_in_chunk = 500 # Type of smoothening window from 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman' flat window will produce a moving average smoothing. window_type = "hanning"